Milstein Elective Courses

Sophomore Milstein Scholars are encouraged to take a Milstein Elective, an interdisciplinary course that studies the social, cultural, economic, environmental, physical and psychological impact of technology and/or explore concepts of design thinking, research methods, and community engaged project work. This course selection should align with each scholar's area of interest. 

Below are some suggestions across different disciplines (and Colleges) at Cornell:

Ethics and Consequences

  • INFO 1260 Choices and Consequences in Computing
  • ANTHR 1900 Global Engagements: Living and Working in a Diverse World
  • PHIL 2621: Minds and Machines
  • GOVT 3042 The Politics of Technology
  • ASRC 3434 Underground Railroad Seminar
  • Psych 4420 Psych and Ethics of Tech 21st Century
  • STS 4451 Making Science Policy: The Real World

Design Thinking and Human-Computer Interaction

  • COGST 1111 Making a Difference by Design
  • GERST 2703 Thinking Media
  • INFO 4240 Designing Technology for Social Impact
  • AEM 4375 Advanced Design and Innovation

Code in Culture

  • INFO 1350 Introduction to Cultural Analytics: Data, Computation, & Culture
  • STS 2381 Ten Technologies That Shook The World?
  • INFO 2950: Intro to Data Science
  • SOC 3150 Research Design, Practice, and Policy
  • STS 3440 Data Science and Society Lab
  • STS 3561 Computing Cultures
  • LING 4424 Computational Linguistics
  • SHUM 4800 Rural Humanities Seminar
  • INFO 4940: Special Topics in Information Science
  • ENVS 4940 Special Topics in Environment and Sustainability

Digital Arts

  • ARTH 3111 Making Photography Matter
  • ENG 3615 Podcast, Radio, Gramophone: Literary Technologies of Sound 

Other Course Suggestions

In addition to the courses listed above, we strongly recommend that students check out the curated list of courses on the Media Studies website and on the website of the Society for the Humanities. Both programs offer interdisciplinary courses that may intersect with your interests.
